- before WWDC, Steve J bragged about being contacted by three major PC manufacturers, begging Apple to port Mac OS X to PC hardware
- at WWDC, Intel transition was revealed, MS was snubbed for being slow on SW releases
- after WWDC, Michael Dell said he would be willing to sell MacIntels, given the chance
Probably true:
- Steve J still lusts for world domination on the OS market, even though he has publically said the the OS wars are over
- Steve J also understands that Apple cannot make all those computers needed for world domination
- Apple keeps the iBook/Powerbook, iMac and multiprocessing PowerMac lines, in order to keep a healthy revenue needed for further Mac OS X development
- Apple licenses single-processor (even with multi-core) PowerMacs to Dell, HP to gain CIO mindshare and Average Joe acceptance (2007)
- Apple's market share goes double-digit (2008)
- Apple ends hardware manufacturing when market share > 25 % (2010)
- Windows market share < 10 % (2015)
PowerMac on Intel, the Beast Cuts Loose