The answer to this question is really simple. Yes, there will be Macs in 2010, and there will be Macs in 3010 too. Apple has always been ahead of the curve, and Jobs will not let this advantage slip. The Black Division at Apple is busy working on prototypes of OS XI and beyond for all we now. By 2010, we'll have the iWatch with bluetooth, and Macs will no longer need keyboards at all because all Macs will be connected to the Apple DataNet. Windows will be doing what it always does, nothing. There is no inovation or desire to produce a good product at Microsoft, and there probably will never be. Microsoft is fat and happy, and that is what is killing their OS. Competition will only increase as other players like Google, Yahoo, and Linux continue to grow, while Apple will remain at the tip of the spear of computer and operating system advancement. In the coming months or years, I predict Apple will come out with hardware that even the Dharma Corporation couldn't conjure up. The Mac faithful will witness the 2nd Advent of the Age of Apple as it will be called by historians. iTunes an entity all by itself once Apple starts release content that will play on multiple hardware platforms. You will be able to purchase software, ebooks, shareware apps, music, video, movies, or anything else from the iTunes Mall. I don't think we've seen the tip of the iceberg in terms of what Apple has in store for the world. As Apple continues to grow, the entertainment industry will take the next step with Apple leading the way into true acceptance of time shifting entertainment.
Within a year, Apple will release a movie service that will be similiar to something like Netflix or Pay-Per-View.
The list goes on and on. Microsoft hasn't gotten the media center concept right and they have been trying to perfect this for years. Google Video sucks big time. Everybody and their mother can't make a product that compares or even approaches the ease and innovation of the iPod. And don't get me started on Apple hardware, it works, it is like having Einstein in a box! If the Starship Enterprise ran on Windows, the human race would be done, finsihed! That is why Apple, Macs, iPods, and iTunes, will be around in 2010 and 3010.
Apple is like the Borg, resistance is futile.
Five Reasons Why There Will Be No Macs in 2010