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  • Jun 11, 2007
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Latest comments made by: macupdate

  • Nice article. It's a bummer that there are comments on the article where people are stating opposing viewpoints without actually backing up their view with supportive data. I agree with the points made in this article (opinion). And I'm going to back up that opinion by stating facts based on personal experience. We run a Google-like Adwords type of program at MacUpdate that we build that allows people to buy and control online advertising campaigns themselves. They do it by purchasing "credits" to a credit card. MacUpdate holds the "credits" in a retainer account. Right now we're looking to re-work the entire system to eliminate credits. We've found that it totally confuses people. And when these people are confused, they DON'T buy more credits and continue the campaigns. And I'm not just talking about average developers looking to test the system. I'm talking about companies that really need the advertising on MacUpdate. So it's not just as casual as say, buying a $0.99 song. It's something these companies need, but they get so confused about the conversion and what a "credit" is actually valued at, how many impressions they get with a credit, etc... that they cease to spend. There. I've stated my data from my experience that backs up claims written in this article. I didn't just state an opinion without supportive evidence. I'm not saying this because I use Macintosh. I'm saying this for the simple reason of experience I've had issuing the exact same type of "make believe" currency. I hope those other people with other viewpoints can do the same, because I'd actually be very open to learning about how this could be an advantageous move for Microsoft.
    macupdate had this to say on Nov 13, 2006 Posts: 1
    Zune Marketplace's Absurd Pricing Scheme