"While not implicit in Ballmer's statement there is a pervasive notion that Macs cost more because they cost more to make. That simply isn't the case, Macs cost what they cost (more or less either way) because that is what people are willing to pay."
The usual Microsoft anti-Apple propaganda from this phony Mac site.
"The company prices Macs by how much people think they are worth rather than by how much they actually cost."
Know-nothing anti-mac propagandist creep.
"The Apple-droids will say monotonally..."
Mac hating creep.
"Apple can try to con sumers as much as it likes,..."
How are they con-ing you creep? They told you no FW port. If you don't like, don't buy.
Beeblebrox: "Multi-billion dollar corporation with billionaire CEO vs multi-billion dollar corporation with billionaire CEO. They’re probably just amused that some of you people actually wrap your identity up in the brand of computer you use"
"some of you people"?
What do you mean by that, Microsoft creep?
And "actually wrap your identity"??? That's a sick joke coming from the most active commenter here at this Microsoft shilling phony Apple site.
Today, the MSN video page tells Mac users to use Firefox, and on that same day, MS shill Chris Howard in AppleHatters tells us Safari sucks and Firefox rawks.
Plenty of MS weenie on the menu at AppleHatters.
"On July 11th Orgasm Goes Wireless"
"You could start a pretty major heroin addiction in less time. But that is the way it will shake out."
*BOHICA: Bend Over Here it Comes Again".
You rotten Apple hating POS.
CaptnJack wrote: "Finally someone in the Mac universe who understood what really happened."
Another Microsoft a$$ kisser. There's an endless supply around here.
They love your revisionist Microsoft history, Chris!! I think you're on to something, keep it up. And you gotta love that "someone in the Mac universe"!!! What a joke! How much did you or Microsoft pay this guy?
"Stop feeding the trolls, people! You only encourage them."-Beeblebrox
That's a laugh, coming from one of the two biggest Microsoft excuse maker-a$$ munchers on the tubes. (Beeb and NonZealot)
You've found a good home for yourself here, Beeb. Invite NonZ over sometime. You, Chris, Tanner, Hadley, and NonZ could put out some serious hatin' on APPL.
It's nice to see this site finally talking about something the writers know and love, Microsoft. Time to end the sham, there are already too many phony Mac sites.
"Oh! I don’t know whose fit of anger is more impressive, Zato’s or Ben Croshaw’s, either way chuckles all around!"
Even Tanner, the 2 digit iPhone hater, chimes in. Chuckle, chuckle.
I'm wondering why iPhone Matters didn't get the above iPhone hate* story.
No traffic, I guess.
* OK, so maybe it's not a real hate piece, but suggesting Apple go back to a physical keyboard is laughable. Why not write something constructive instead.
"Zato, you don’t contribute enough! Always get a chuckle out of your trolling efforts, but of course, don’t take them seriously."
I don't think of it as trolling, Chris.
Your job is to kill sales of AAPL products, and my job is to kill visits to your black PR site.
Ballmer fixated on Mac, Misses Big Picture
It's not the Shiny Box that costs Extra
Is Apple Conning Consumers?
Microsoft Kicks Apple's Wussy PC's Butt
Microsoft Kicks Apple's Wussy PC's Butt
Firefox 3 Kills Safari
Is the iPhone the OS 9 of Phones?
Enterprising Apple
Microsoft Has Been Quiet Lately . . .
iPhone: Why no Pre Sale?
Suicidal Microsoft?
Suicidal Microsoft?
Suicidal Microsoft?
iPhone 2.0: Part One, A Physical Keyboard
iPhone 2.0: Part One, A Physical Keyboard